While on a recent on-site visit, I sat down with OHA CEO, Clyde Namuo, to reflect on their considerable accomplishments and what it all means to OHA and to the Native Hawaiian community. Listen in while Clyde shares the OHA story.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Results Conversations: Clyde Namuo, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
In 2009, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs developed a new Strategic Plan, built on the input of over 3,000 individual and very much focused on measurable results for Native Hawaiians. To take a look at OHA’s a remarkable Strategic Plan. Now, throughout 2010 and 2011, OHA is implementing Managing for Results (MFR) at all levels in their operations including Budgeting, Business Plans, Work Plans, Performance Measures, Individual Performance Plans and Performance Based Contracting - and they are using MFR Live and MFR People to support the effort.
While on a recent on-site visit, I sat down with OHA CEO, Clyde Namuo, to reflect on their considerable accomplishments and what it all means to OHA and to the Native Hawaiian community. Listen in while Clyde shares the OHA story.
While on a recent on-site visit, I sat down with OHA CEO, Clyde Namuo, to reflect on their considerable accomplishments and what it all means to OHA and to the Native Hawaiian community. Listen in while Clyde shares the OHA story.