Much is at stake in how we lead change and how our communities view government’s role. What happens in communities where citizens have little faith and show little support for their government? It’s not a pretty picture. Bond issues are defeated, infrastructure is unattended, public safety suffers, economic opportunity passes, prosperity can slip away and the overall future, even the viability, of our communities is at risk.
On the other hand, local and state governments which have the right information to make the right decisions right on-time can lead their communities and be viewed as an indicator and supporter of progress.
Marv’s presentations and key notes address topics highly relevant to today’s government, associations and not-for-profit leaders. His approach is direct, to the point and offers highly practical suggestions for leading change.
Leading and Managing Change
The only real constant is change – and for leaders the challenge is how we lead that change to proactively shape the future to achieve results. We have little influence, let alone control, over economic and political dynamics that have gone global. However, we do have real opportunities to lead change locally and within our own organizations.Marv’s approach helps leaders position government to lead change and be viewed as leading progress in the community, rather than being seen as a lag on progress. Leading change requires focus and good management systems that support making good decisions with the right information at the right time.
Positioning your organization to lead change locally is the challenge facing government leaders today and that is very different than simply reacting to events. Sample presentation titles include:
Managing for Results
Most management systems aren’t systems at all. Strategic planning and budgeting hardly know each other. Individual employee performance dances alone without partnering with operational performance. Performance measures are often window dressing for the budget document, but don’t influence decisions.So how do we build an integrated management system that focuses people, resources and decisions together on results for customers?
Managing for Results is an integrated management system that does just that: focuses people and resources on results for customers at both the operational and strategic levels. In this presentation series learn how to build an integrated management system that focuses people, resources and decisions together on results for customers. Sample presentation titles:
Budgeting and Finance
As tax revenues for local and state governments continue to be at risk and budgets must be reduced or restructured to match, executives are looking for ways to intelligently reduce spending and continue to invest in their highest priorities.The immediate challenge is to have the information you need to make trade-off decisions while at the same time managing the changes this will drive in your organization over the longer term. Budgeting for Results is an approach that integrates planning, performance, budgeting and accounting into an approach to budgeting that aligns resources to results – in good times and hard times.
Some sample presentation titles: